The New Way to Find and Manage Manufacturers

Match with trusted manufacturers and suppliers. Manage and track the entire process through shipping, all in one platform.

Global Network of Manufacturers & Suppliers

Track Every Step of Production through Shipping.

Transparent Negotiated Costs. No Surprises.

Flexible Production Capacity, From Low MOQs to Big-Box.

Specialized Manufacturers in Your Industry

Our global manufacturing network spans across multiple industries — Apparel & Fashion, Beauty & Cosmetics, Home Goods, and Sports & Outdoors.

Every Step of Production in One Place

Easily manage and track then entire process — from sampling, sourcing, production, quality control, and shipping through customs clearance.

Transparent Costs Negotiated for You

Review quotes with full costs already broken down for you. Analyze FOB costs, duties, sample fees, and shipping estimates before moving into sampling.

Why Use MakeMine?

  • Improve Product Margins and Landed Costs

    Improve Margins

    Take advantage of negotiated partner discounts across each step—sourcing, production, freight forwarding, and fulfillment.

  • Production Quality Control

    Control Quality

    Prevent defects through our strict quality control process, requiring specific approvals before advancing to the next stage.

  • Production Lead Times

    Deliver On-Time

    Avoid delays through automation of manual tasks, while our dedicated experts proactively resolve questions and issues.

  • Grow With Sourcing Agents

    Grow Without Hiring

    Expand your capabilities without expanding your team. Our software platform and team of experts reduce the need to hire.

Dedicated Support From Industry Experts

What makes our automated platform even smarter? Experienced product and supply chain experts from your industry, ready to help you and your team throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! We can easily onboard your existing manufacturers and embed them into MakeMine’s process. Our supply chain team will help ensure a smooth onboarding process.

  • Please refer to our pricing page for details on how we charge for our service.

  • Absolutely! Our network is truly global. We partner with factories in various countries across the globe, including the USA.

  • MakeMine ensures quality through a multi-stage process that spans quoting, sampling, production, packing, and shipping stages. At each phase, specific approvals are required before advancing to the next stage.